DISEASE asthma comes from the word "asthma" is derived from the Greek meaning "difficulty breathing". Asthma is known because of the symptoms of shortness of breath, coughing and mengiyang caused by constriction of the airways. Symptoms are usually caused by asthma, among others:
Breath sounds (wheezing, wheezing, asthma).
Shortness of breath, usually only happens when you're exercising.
Tightness in the chest.
Coughing only at night.
Anyone who is at risk for ASTHMA?
Children and adults can be affected by this disease. In general, asthma is a chronic childhood disease. American Lung Association reports that one in three people with asthma under 18 years old. Allergy is the trigger asthma symptoms, 80% of children and 50% of adults who had asthma also have allergies.
What factors can trigger ASTHMA?
Allergies such as dust mites, cockroaches and pollen.
The weather.
Vapors from various chemicals, tobacco or cooking with firewood.
Respiratory infections.
Emotions, such as laughing, crying and stress.
Does ASTHMA is a disease declining?
A study in the United States and Europe reported in the "American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine" that the existence of a strong relationship where a child who has one of the parents with asthma will be 3X fold risk of developing asthma, while children of both parents with asthma, the child at risk for asthma 6X folding.
Interesting fact about ASTHMA
In 2002, approximately 21.9 million Americans affected by asthma. More than 8 million children under the age of 18 years of developing asthma.
American cities that have the highest infection rates of asthma are California, New York and Texas.
Asthma included in the top 10 in the number of inpatients.
From 1980 through 1994, there is a 160% increase in asthma in infants.
Definition of Asthma
Is a reversible airway inflammation.
Swelling of the lining of the bronchial tubes in the lungs.
Excessive secretion of viscous liquid.
Inflammation is triggered by irritation or allergy. As a result, you will experience difficulty in breathing, shortness of breath, wheeze and cough. Sometimes these symptoms are so severe that it required treatment in the ER. In general, asthma begins in childhood, but not rare where after a new adult asthma. About 20 million Americans had asthma and more than 70% of people with asthma have allergies.
Asthma can be cured or a lifetime problem?
Until now has not found a cure for asthma in total. In most cases, a person with asthma severity will decrease as age goes. With the set up and maintain your condition, it would be very helpful in maintaining health and run a more comfortable life.
Ways to control ASTHMA
Know your asthma, including the type of light or heavy.
Recognize the originators, if for some emotion then control your emotions, if the influenza virus it is necessary to be vaccinated, then avoid the drug if the drug is, if the food then avoid these foods, if due to house dust then avoid house dust.
Identify drugs commonly used correctly. Use of drugs that doctors were told correctly, make sure the correct drug and correct dosage.
Control to the doctor not only when shortness of breath. Such as car service do not wait just broken into the garage, do check with your doctor regularly.
Prepare an emergency
ΞThursday, 15 December 2011|→
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