Struktur Lewis dan Molekul SF4 -Sulfur (IV) Flourida

ΞSaturday, 17 December 2011|→ 0 komentar|

Struktur Lewis maupun molekul SF4 sulfur(IV) flourida atau belerang tetraflourida sangat mudah ditentukan. Caranya gampang kok, yuk checkit dot.
Belerang (S) berada di golongan VI A bersama dengan oksigen oleh sebab itu dia memiliki 6 elektron valensi, sedangkan flourin (F) berada di golongan VIIA dengan demikian memiliki elektron valensi 7. Perhatikan gambar dibawah ini untuk melihat struktur Lewis masing-masing unsur.

Atom F punya satu elektron yang tidak berpasangan, dan elektron inilah yang akan dipakai untuk berikatan secara kovalen dengan 1 elektron dari S, disebabkan SF4 membutuhkan 4 atom F maka elektron S yang tersisa adalah 2 dan ini menjadi pasangan elektron bebas. Perhatikan gambar dibawah:
struktur lewis sf4
Dari gambar diatas diketahui bahwa ada 5 pasangan elektron, maka bentuk dasar geometrinya adalah trigonal piramid namun disebabkan yang berpasangan adalah 4 dan 1 pasangan elektron bebas maka bentuk geometri dari SF4 adalah ‘seewsaw’ atau nama lainnya bipiramid segita (bayangkan seperti mainan jungkat jungkit anak-anak TK). Perhatikan gambar dibawah untuk lebih memahami.

SF4 dimana bilangan oksidasi S adalah +4 sedangkan F masing-masing -1. SF4 dibuat dari mereaksikan antara SCl2 dengan Cl2 dan NaF dengan reaksi sebagai berikut:
SCl2 + Cl2 + 4 NaF -> SF4 + 4 NaCl
SF4 dipergunakan dalam sintesis kimia organik untuk mengubah aldehid CHO dan keton C=O menjadi gugus fungsi CF atau CF2. Bentuk lain adalah SF6 yang memiliki geometri oktahedral.

Nanopartikel Emas Bantu Diagnosis Awal Kanker Hati

diagnosis kanker baru dengan menggunakan nanopartikel emas (sumber gambar :
Hepatoselular carcinoma merupakan sel kanker yang umumnya menyerang liver. Lebih dari 500.000 orang yang mendiami daerah sub-Sahara di Afrika dan Asia Tenggara didiagnosa menderita kanker jenis ini tiap tahunnya. Dan sayangnya kebanyakan mereka berakhir dengan meninggal dunia 6 bulan setelah dinyatakan positif.
Salah satu tantangan terbesar pengobatan kanker hati adalah kurangnya diagnosis awal yang mumpuni. Teknik yang saat ini banyak dipakai untuk melakukan diagnosa awal meliputi ultrasaound, Sacn CT dan MRI, adanya spot tumor jika mereka memiliki ukuran minimal 5 cm. Tapi sayangnya saat inilah kanker sudah menjadi agresif, tahan terhadap kemoterapi, dan sulit dipisahkan dengan menggunakan operasi.
Berita terbaru dari sebuah penelitian yang di naungi oleh brown University melaporkan bahwa hasil yang sangat memuaskan dalam hal diagnosa kanker hati awal dengan menggunakan nanopartikel logam mulia emas. Laporan lengkap diterbitkan dalam ‘American Chemical Society journal Nano Letters’, mengungkap untuk pertama kalinya logam nanopartikel dipakai sebagai agen untuk menguatkan signal X-ray scattering untuk mendapatkan gambar tumor.
“Apa yang kami lakukan adalah bukanlah melakukan metode screening,” tutur christoph Rose-Petruck seorang profesor kimia di brown University.
“Namun seperti halnya pengecekan rutin dimana seseorang beresiko terhadap seseuatu seperti penyakit hepatitis , maka kita dapat menggunakan tekik ini untuk melihat apakah ada tumor walaupun ukurannya kurang dari 5 cm, bahkan sepersepuluhnya,” tambahnya.
Tim ini membuat nanopartikel emas berukuran 10 sampai 50 nanometer dan kemudian melapisinya dengan polielektrolit dengan ketebalan 1 nanometer. Dengan pelapisan ini maka membuat logam akan bermuatan hinggameningkatkan kemampuan mereka untuk diserap oleh sel kanker.
Setelah logam nanopartikel ini terserap maka tim akan menggunakan X-ray untuk mendeteksi sel maligan. Dalam suatu percobaan di laboratorium nanopartikel emas ini terkandung dalam kisaran 0,0006 persen untuk setiap satuan volume sel.
“Kami telah menunjukkan bahwa walupun dengan menggunakan partikel emas dalam jumlah yang sedikit kami bisa mebedakan mana sel tumor dan mana yang tidak,” tutur Rose-Petrruck lagi.
Dikabarkan untuk penelitian kedepannya mereka akan menarget antobodi sel kanker untuk diikatkan kepada nanopartikel untuk mencari sel kanker yang terdapat di dalam tikus, dan penelitian akan segera dilakukan musim panas ini.


Dalam matematika, teorema Pythagoras adalah suatu keterkaitan dalam geometri Euklides antara tiga sisi sebuah segitiga siku-siku. Teorema ini dinamakan menurut nama filsuf dan matematikawan Yunani abad ke-6 SM, Pythagoras. Pythagoras sering dianggap sebagai penemu teorema ini meskipun sebenarnya fakta-fakta teorema ini sudah diketahui oleh matematikawan India (dalam Sulbasutra Baudhayana dan Katyayana), Yunani, Tionghoa dan Babilonia jauh sebelum Pythagoras lahir. Pythagoras mendapat kredit karena ialah yang pertama membuktikan kebenaran universal dari teorema ini melalui pembuktian matematis.

Ada dua bukti kontemporer yang bisa dianggap sebagai catatan tertua mengenai teorema Pythagoras: satu dapat ditemukan dalam Chou Pei Suan Ching (sekitar 500-200 SM), satunya lagi dalam buku Elemen Euklides.

Teorema Pythagoras menyatakan bahwa:


Jumlah luas bujur sangkar pada kaki sebuah segitiga siku-siku sama dengan luas bujur sangkar di hipotenus.
Sebuah segitiga siku-siku adalah segitiga yang mempunyai sebuah sudut siku-siku; kaki-nya adalah dua sisi yang membentuk sudut siku-siku tersebut, dan hipotenus adalah sisi ketiga yang berhadapan dengan sudut siku-siku tersebut. Pada gambar di bawah ini, a dan b adalah kaki segitiga siku-siku dan c adalah hipotenus:
Pythagoras menyatakan teorema ini dalam gaya goemetris, sebagai pernyataan tentang luas bujur sangkar:
Jumlah luas bujur sangkar biru dan merah sama dengan luas bujur sangkar ungu.
Akan halnya, Sulbasutra India juga menyatakan bahwa:
Tali yang direntangkan sepanjang panjang diagonal sebuah persegi panjang akan menghasilkan luas yang dihasilkan sisi vertikal dan horisontalnya.
Menggunakan aljabar, kita dapat mengformulasikan ulang teorema tersebut ke dalam pernyataan modern dengan mengambil catatan bahwa luas sebuah bujur sangkar adalah pangkat dua dari panjang sisinya:
Jika sebuah segitiga siku-siku mempunyai kaki dengan panjang a dan b dan hipotenus dengan panjang c, maka a2 + b2 = c2.
Pythagorean proof.png

Bukti menggunakan segitiga sama

\frac{d}{a} = \frac{a}{c} \quad \Rightarrow \quad d = \frac{a^2}{c}\quad (1)
\frac{e}{b} = \frac{b}{c} \quad \Rightarrow \quad e = \frac{b^2}{c}\quad (2)
Dari gambar  c = d + e \,\! . Dan dengan mengganti persamaan (1) dan (2):
 c = \frac{a^2}{c} + \frac{b^2}{c}
Mengalikan untuk c:
 c^2 = a^2 + b^2 \,\!.

Traditional Medicine Diabetes Mellitus

ΞThursday, 15 December 2011|→ 0 komentar|

Traditional Medicine Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetes mellitus is now almost reaching the whole world, not only developed countries are stricken with this disease, but also developing countries now seem to have started having probilitas this disease. According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), Indonesia ranks sixth as a country with the largest number of diabetes sufferers after India, China, Soviyet Union, Japan and Brazil. Recorded in 1995, the number of people with DM in Indonesia reached 5 million. In 2000 the last course, there are about 5.6 million people in Indonesia who have diabetes mellitus. However, in 2006 estimated the number of diabetics in Indonesia increased sharply to 14 million people, of which only 50% are aware they have it and among only about 30% who came for a treatment regularly, whether it is coming to the hospital or with the help of traditional medicine diabetes mellitus.
It is unfortunate that many diabetics are unaware he suffered from a disease that more commonly called sugar disease or diabetes is. This may be due to the lack of information in the community about diabetes, especially the symptoms happen to him. Well, you had also learned some things about traditional medicine for diabetes mellitus increased the number of sufferers do not always sharp.
Pare crops is one alternative to the traditional medicine of diabetes mellitus that can be used for healing, because these plants contain saponins, flavonoids, and polyphenols (powerful antioxidants), as well as cucurbitacin glycosides, momordicin, and charantin that can lower blood sugar. Pare the effect in lowering blood sugar in experimental animals. Works by preventing the intestines absorb sugar are eaten by animals. Also alleged to have components that resemble pare sulfonylurea (antidiabetic drugs oldest and widely used). This type of drug stimulates the beta cells of the pancreas glands of the body to produce more insulin, the sugar reserves in addition to increasing deposits of glycogen in the liver. Pare the effect in lowering blood sugar in rabbits is also estimated similar to the mechanism of insulin. Addition of insulin-containing saponins (triterpene) are working with activities similar to insulin, so glucose can enter the blood into the cells.
How to Use Pare
The first way: Take 2 pieces of melon, wash and mash then add half a glass of clean water. Stir and squeeze. Day as much as a potion to drink. Repeated for 2 weeks.
* The second way: For the use of bitter melon seeds, in particular by providing 200 grams of seeds of bitter melon, bitter melon seeds and toasted until dry and finely ground. After the cold stored in jars. How to use 10 grams of powdered beans brewed pare with boiled water to drink 3 times a day.
Pharmacological effects of this plant and its taste is bitter cold, pare efficacious as anti-inflammatory, lowers blood glucose levels, to treat coughs, sore red eyes, sore throat, rheumatism and dysentery sprue. The way to overcome the use of bitter melon diabetes mellitus, in particular by Take 2 pieces of melon, wash and mash then add half a glass of clean water. Stir and squeeze. Day as much as a potion to drink. Repeated for 2 weeks. Pare for the use of seeds, that is by providing 200 grams of melon seeds, melon seeds and toasted until dry and finely ground. After the cold stored in jars. How to use 10 grams of powdered beans brewed pare with boiled water to drink 3 times a day.
Diabetes Mellitus is a disease caused by declining hormone produced by the pancreas gland. The decrease of these hormones resulted in the sugar (glucose) consumed the body can not produce perfectly, so that glucose levels in the body will increase. Do not let this continue to erode your body, and do immediately treat with traditional drug therapy of diabetes mellitus in this pare.


In using medicinal plants, there are several things to note that the maxima of treatment outcome. Read carefully all the instructions about medication timbuhan below.


Some things to be explained about the name of the medicinal plants used in this book.

Name on title; using the most common name used in the existing literature.
The scientific name; use the name most commonly used.


To get the best ingredients from medicinal plants, keep in mind the times of collecting or harvesting nutritious ingredients.

Here are guidelines for the collection of materials in general medicine.

Leaves collected during flowering and before fruit becomes ripe.
Flowers were collected before or immediately after bloom.
Fruit picked in a ripe state.
Seeds were collected from yan g ripe fruit perfectly.
Roots, rhizomes (rhizome), tubers (tuber), and bulbs (bulbus) was collected during the process of plant stops.


Ingredients that have been collected immediately washed, preferably with running water. Once clean, can be utilized when needed use the freshest ingredients. However, it can also be dried to be stored and used when needed at any time.

Drying aims to reduce water content and mengcegah decay by fungi or bacteria. Thus, the material can be kept much longer in a jar or a sealed container. Dry material is also easily crushed if you want to create powder.

Here's how to dry ingredients:

Materials are large and contain lots of water can be cut into pieces as needed in advance.
Drying can be directly under the sun, or wear protective gear such as fine wire if that does not require drying too quickly.
Drying can also be done with air the material in the shade or in a drying chamber that good air flow.


In Traditional Chinese Pharmacology known 4 and 5 different kinds of properties Cira taste medicinal plants, which is part of the way of traditional eastern medicine. As for the four kinds of medicinal properties of plants that are cold, hot, warm, and cool. Medicinal plants that are used to heat and warm the cold syndrome treatments, such as patients who are afraid of cold, cold hands and feet, pale tongue or slow pulse. Medicinal plants that are cold and are used to cool the heat treatment of the syndrome, such as fever, thirst, dark yellow color urination, red tongue or rapid pulse.

Five kinds of medicinal herbs taste is spicy, sweet, sour, bitter, and salty. The flavor is used for a particular purpose because in addition associated with an organ, also has its own properties and usability. Eg spicy flavor has spread and stimulating properties. Sweet taste and nutritious tonic remedy. Preserves and sour taste pengelat efficacious. Bitter taste can mengilangkan hot and humid. While the taste of salt to soften and as a laxative. Sometimes there is also the added flavor of the sixth, which is neutral or nutritious as fresh urine laxative.


Boiling is generally carried out in soil pots, ceramic pots, or a panic email. Ceramic pots can be purchased in traditional Chinese medicine stores. Panic of iron, aluminum or brass should not be used for boiling. It is reminded that these materials can cause sediments, low concentrations of drug solution, the formation of toxic or side effects due to chemical reaction with the ingredients.

Use clean water to boil. Fresh water should be used, unless otherwise specified. How to boil the ingredients as follows. Materials incorporated into the potting soil. Add water until the material completely submerged and the water level about 30 mm above it. Boiling begins when the water had seeped into the medicinal ingredients.

Do boiling with fire according to manufacture instructions. If the flame is not specified, it is usually done by boiling over high heat until the water is boiling. Furthermore, the fire reduced the cooking water to prevent overflow or dry up too quickly. However, sometimes a big fire and a small flame is used alone when boiling danger of drugs. For example, drugs are efficacious tonic generally boiled over a low heat so efficacious substance can be completely removed in the cooking water. Similarly, medicinal plants that contain toxins that need to be boiled with a small fire in a long time, about 3-5 hours to reduce toxicity. Flame is mostly used for medicinal herbs which are intended to be a fast boiling and evaporation of excess of substances that are active components of plants can be prevented.


If there is no user, usually taken before meals drug unless the drug stimulates stomach so drunk after a meal. Efficacious drug when taken on an empty stomach tonic, sedative and efficacious drugs drunk while wanting to sleep. In chronic diseases taken as scheduled on a regular basis. Medicinal decoction can be drunk as often as is necessary, or drunk as a tea substitute.


Medication is usually taken one dose a day is divided to 2-3 times the drink. Generally drunk while warm, especially for the treatment of syndrome outside. After taking medication, wear thick clothes or a blanket to sleep so the body remains warm and sweat easily.

For heat syndrome treatment, medication taken in the cold. In contrast to the treatment of cold syndrome drug drunk warm. Less toxic drugs, drink little by little but often. Add the dose gradually so that the treatment effect is achieved.


Herbs which still form simplicia, the treatment seems slow, but its nature constructive or building. This is in contrast with the results of chemical drug treatment looks quick but destructive. Therefore, drugs derived from plants is not recommended its use for acute infectious diseases. Medicinal plants are preferred to maintain the health and treatment of chronic diseases that can not be cured with chemical drugs, or require a combination of chemical drugs with efficacious drugs from plants.

Taro Leaf Benefits for Non-Medical Treatment

Category: Health send to ShareThis Bookmark & ​​Share

PLANT purse commonly used as ornamental plants in the yard. But it is also commonly grown in the bush cemetery, riverside so impressed as a useless crop. But for those who know, purse plants have many benefits. It could even be regarded as a potent plant capable of dealing with chronic illness. Those affected by witchcraft, kesambet, ketempelan possession or evil spirits, can take advantage of purse as a healer.
Plants purse or taro is almost the same shape. The leaves are also commonly called a purse instead of taro leaves. The discovery of taro leaf recipes as traditional medicine has actually been passed down through the generations in the royal palace.
Prescription to ward off these magical powers granted recover the old interpreter practicing in Sukoharjo, Surakarta. When you find people being ketempelan or have a chronic illness, for example, take 2 pieces of taro leaves, then jlantah anointed with oil (cooking oil) both surfaces. After the flat and then baked in the oven or brazier.
Coals on the brazier also sprinkled incense or incense needs. According to recover the interpreter, aims to neutralize the negative energies that exist around the room, also the energy which is on the taro leaves. After the lukewarm, then placed on the affected part (if afflicted by the disease) as well as on the abdomen if ketempelan spirits.
Before the taro leaf attached, the surface of the organ should be rubbed with whiting first. It is better if the sweep was wrapped around the patient's body. Once affixed to the lily leaves, then wrapped around the rope, can also use setagen. During the roasting process until the attachment of lily leaf, also made climbing prayer to God to ask for healing. And as long as it also remains burned incense.
Recover the interpreter said, the effort of prayer is absolutely necessary in order to receive healing. "While the lily leaf, frankincense and injet is a means only. This simple recipe I have practiced many times in my patients, "said the interpreter was recovered.
A woman named Watik (34), for example, Semarang residents reported experiencing vaginal bleeding disorder that has lasted a long time. Had even less savory smell. Arm-times been hospitalized in the hospital, but was also recovered. Even had to go to various interpreters healed. But after undergoing therapy with taro leaves for 40 days, the pain healed little by little. Watik confess, even now the disease has been cured.
Sources: samantha post

Disease elephantiasis (filariasis)

Elephantiasis or filariasis disease is an infectious disease caused by filarial worms are transmitted by various species of mosquitoes.
This disease is a chronic (chronic) and if not treated, can cause permanent disability in the form of enlargement of the legs, arms and genitalia of both women and men. The disease is quite commonly found in Indonesia.
Modes of Transmission
The disease is transmitted by mosquitoes that suck the blood of someone who had been infected previously. Infected blood and contain larvae and would be transmitted to another person when an infected mosquito bite or blood menghipas person.
Unlike malaria and dengue fever, filariasis can be transmitted by 23 species of mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles, Culex, Mansonia, Aedes & Armigeres. Because of this, filariasis can spread very quickly.
Clinical symptoms
Filariais Acute symptoms may include:

Repeated fever for 3-5 days, fever may be lost when a break and came back after working hard
Swollen lymph nodes (with no injuries) groin area, armpits (lymphadenitis), which looks red, hot and sick
Tract inflammation of lymph nodes that feel heat and pain radiating from the base of the foot or base of the arm towards the end (retrograde lymphangitis)
Filarial abscess due to frequent suffering from swollen lymph nodes, may rupture and ooze pus and blood
Enlargement of the legs, arms, breasts, testicles that look a bit flushed and feels hot (early lymphodema)
Clinical symptoms of chronic persistent enlargement (elephantiasis) in the legs, arms, breasts, scrotum (elephantiasis skroti).
If someone suspects Filariasis signs and clinical symptoms, the diagnosis made by blood tests performed finger began at 20.00 pm local time. Someone expressed as filariasis patients, if found microfilariae in the blood.
Prevention can be done by:

Trying to avoid mosquito bites transmitting
Clean water plants in the marsh which is where the brood of mosquitoes, stockpiling, drying or draining standing water as a brood of mosquitoes
Cleaning the bushes around the house


Introduction"Durability Less Disease Syndrome" or AIDS is a disease caused by a virus that was identified as HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) that causes the body's immune system failure or the permissibility semulajadi body to fight disease.

LightingAIDS crippling the body's ability to resist disease (immune system). This kerana HIV germs have been destroyed CD4 + T cells responsible for fighting diseases caused by bacteria germs, virus and others. AIDS is not a disease itself. With the failure of the immune system, AIDS pesakit more easily exposed to:
various germs, termasuklah that does not harm normal humanseveral types of kanser who rarely apply

The principle of scientificHIV attacks and slowly destroy sesetengah white blood cells in the body (CD4 + T cells). Under normal circumstances, these cells help the body fight germs and disease outbreaks caused by viruses and bacteria. If HIV has attacked a person's body, these cells are no longer able to carry out their responsibilities kerana been slowly destroyed by HIV. It intends bahawa HIV will also destroy the body keupayaan body to fight disease.
Actually, AIDS is an advanced ranking for HIV outbreaks. The development of this disease through several phases:
Phase 1 - starts with a person's HIV-infected individuals
Phase 2 - in which the virus does not multiply but still mempamerkan pesakit any signs or symptoms of certain
Phase 3 - multiply and thrive brings to kewujudan some signs and symptoms again demonizing the body's defense mechanism.
Phase 4 - pesakit first experienced a rare disease that was held valid 'opportunistic infections' such as Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia and Kaposi's sarcoma kanser included.
Phase 5 - pesakit is passed as pesakit AIDS. Within this phase, the defense mechanism of obliteration suffered extreme and was no longer able to resist the attack of bacteria, viruses and other germs.

CauseHIV is the cause of AIDS. HIV can not live outside the human body and should only be removed if bendalir entity rather than an individual who has been plagued by entering into a body of individuals who have not been plagued with.
Through the removal of any infectious HIV bendalir of their bodies that have plagued others. This virus may be found in the bendalir-bendalir body such as:
BloodCecair seminal / semen (and also water Mazi)Seepage FarajMilk loss

PerebakanAIDS spread mainly through blood, semen (sperm) and seepage Faraj those who have been afflicted by the AIDS virus. AIDS may also spread from mothers to infants that have plagued it contains.
Based on the above facts, aktiviti-aktiviti that may cause you exposed to the outbreak of AIDS is as follows:
1. Have sex with berbilang pair of two-two jantina2. Having sex with prostitutes3. Teamed up needle and picagari among collectors dadah

Transmission / AIDS virus outbreakManifestation of HIV virus in the human body bendalir which has plagued such as in the seminal cecair, Faraj and blood seepage. This virus may spread from individuals who have been afflicted to others through the following matters:
Having sex without protection (eg: use a condom) together individuals who have been plagued
Exchange of blood or blood products from individuals who have been plagued into the circulatory system of another person.
Instead of mother to fetus dijangkit
Instead of an organ, tissue or semen that has plagued them (such as through the removal of organs)
AIDS should not be spread through touch or ordinary contexts such as:Holding handsTouch-a touch on the congested areaShake handsWorking togetherPlayLight kiss

You should not be plagued with AIDS by:teamed up food, use the convenience of laymen such as swimming baths or demolished, or through mosquito bites
donate blood kerana equipment used to collect blood is sterile and used only once our other features. Those with no risk of AIDS are encouraged to donate blood.
kerana blood removal process in the present, all blood donated in Malaysia have been screened for the impressive presence of AIDS antibodies. AIDS Antibodies are substances produced by their bodies as a follow-plagued back against the outbreak of the AIDS virus.
using a dish, blades and glass used by pesakit kerana AIDS AIDS virus should not live long outside the human body.Such equipment when washed as usual will kill the AIDS virus.

Risk FactorsIf you practice the following matters, you are a group at high risk for getting HIV / AIDS
Have sex with berbilang pair of two-two jantina
Having sex with prostitutes
Teamed needles among collectors dadah

The incidenceAIDS was first reported in the United Syarikat in 1981. Since then he has become an important issue kesihatan worldwide. In Malaysia, new KES 300 new HIV dikesan every month. A number of KES 448 KES 16.349 AIDS and HIV reported that June 30, 1996. Majoriti plagued them in Malaysia (ie approximately 84%) were within the age between 20-39 years, when approximately 4% more and are aged between 13 to 19 years.

The signs and symptomsPesakit AIDS will experience symptoms such as below:
Decrease in body weight so that 10% of the unknown puncanya
Sediment-ass and a chronic cough and berterusan
Fever in the long run. Fever is valid samada periodically or berterusan
Swollen lymph nodes especially in the neck, armpits and kelengkang.
Outbreaks of herpes zoster repetitive. Shingles is a nerve infection by viruses characterized by the presence of blisters on the skin
Candidiasis in the mouth and pharynx. Candidiasis is a kind of disease caused by a type of mushroom (fungus).
Herpes simplex infection recurring. Herpes simplex is a viral outbreak on the skin are seen as blisters around the mouth and genitals.

ComplicationBy kerana pesakit AIDS have experienced paralysis of the immune system function, they more easily fall ill compared with those who have a follow-immune adviser replied. The complications that may apply are:
Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (a type of inflammatory disease of the lungs), which may be fatal. These diseases destroy the lungs pesakit AIDS
Cytomegalovirus retinitis is an AIDS-related eye diseases are serious and may cause blindness.
Kaposi's sarcoma is an AIDS-related kanser that causes smallpox / tumors on the skin. He is pink or purple.
Waiting Syndrome AIDS involves ketara weight loss, chronic diarrhea-ass or weakness and fever for a long time or periodically over at least 30 days

Heart Disease

This article will explain to you what it is about heart disease, risk factors, and why the Ant's Nest is the most recommended herb for the treatment of heart disease.
The heart is one of the most important organ whose main function to pump blood throughout the body. Like other organs, the heart can also be attacked by various diseases.
Heart disease is a condition that causes the heart is unable to perform its function properly. There are various kinds of disorders and diseases that can affect any part of the heart.
The most common heart disease is coronary heart disease which can lead to sudden death heart attacks.
The cause of coronary heart disease is the narrowing and blockage of arteries due to excessive buildup of fatty substances in the lining of artery walls of the coronary vessels. It is influenced by a less healthy diet that accompanied sedentary lifestyle, cigarette addiction, hypertension, and high cholesterol that affects the formation of blood clots. As a result of blood flow to the heart is hampered thereby disrupting the blood vessels of the heart as a pump which in turn will trigger a heart attack.
In addition to coronary heart disease, there are also other heart diseases caused by abnormalities at birth such as an imperfect heart, heart valve disorders, and weakening of heart muscle. Another cause is the bacteria that cause infections of the heart.Main Factors of Heart Disease Risk Exposure
To avoid the chance of heart disease, it helps us identify the risk factors. Here are some risk factors that warrant concern:

Age and Gender.
Priadi under the age of 50 years have a higher risk compared with women in the same age group. After menopause, a woman's risk increases due to the sharp decline of the hormone estrogen is protective.
Descendants of the family.
Research shows that if there is a history of heart problems in the family, their offspring are more likely to develop similar problems.
Diabetes (diabetes)
Diabetics can suffer heart disease as a complication of the disease.
Smoking (cigarette smoke)
Smoking is directly responsible for approximately 20 percent of all deaths from heart disease and almost 50 percent of heart attacks in women under the age of 55 years. Smoking increases blood pressure and include toxic chemicals, such as nicotine and carbon monoxide, into the bloodstream. These chemical substances, will further damage the arteries. The smokers also get them involved inhaling smoke are at risk of having problems at heart. Research reveals that people who do not smoke who live with smokers have an additional risk of heart attack. Therefore, by quitting smoking can reduce a person's own risk and can even save the lives of loved ones who do not smoke.
High blood pressure (hypertension).
High blood pressure (hypertension) can injure the arterial wall and allows the channel to enter the arteries of LDL cholesterol and increase the accumulation of plaque. As the plaque deposits increased, there are more barriers to the flow of blood and thus there was an increase in blood pressure which increases the risk of heart attack.
Overweight (obesity).
Excess weight increases high blood pressure and abnormal amounts of fat. Avoid or treat obesity (overweight) is the main way to avoid diabetes. Diabetes then will increase the risk of coronary heart disease.
Sedentary lifestyle.
People who do not move much at risk of heart attack is higher. They spend most of their day without physically active and exercising regularly. Heart attacks often occur in these people after heavy activities such as working hard in the garden, jogging, lifting heavy loads, or shoveling snow. But the risk is decreased among those who exercise regularly. The streets were relaxed for 20 to 30 minutes three or four times a week can reduce the risk of attack. With regular exercise can improve the ability of the heart to pump and can lower cholesterol levels and lowering blood pressure.
Stress (emotional distress)
Based on research, stress can cause this narrowing of the arteries and decrease blood flow to 27 percent. Refinements which means even be seen in arteries affected by mild disease. Other research suggests that severe stress can lead to rupture of an artery wall that trigger heart attacks.
Merely knowing the risk factors of the disease is not enough. Necessary measures to prevent the occurrence of this disease. In addition, it is important to know the symptoms of heart disease. Rapid and precise handling can reduce the harm they cause. Please visit our Heart Disease Symptoms to find some common signs and symptoms of heart disease.Herbal Treatment for Heart Disease
Generally, many people are affected by heart disease, coronary heart disease whether or not advised to undergo surgery for heart function could be restored as close to normal heart.
But actually there are other ways to cope with various heart problems, namely by combining medicine with herbs, especially for those who just had a heart attack. Medical drugs remained necessary because of the rapid reaction to help strengthen heart function.
While the herbal functions in addition to improving cardiac function and strength naturally, also helps cleanse the body from harmful content of medical drugs. If this treatment continues to be integrated, expected future heart disease patients could be separated from medical drug addiction that cost notoriously expensive.
While for the treatment of heart that is still lightweight, consume herbs alone is enough to help. Herbs are most often recommended at this time to address the problem of heart is rich in ant nest will contain antioxidants that can flex and healthy blood vessels in the body's circulatory system.
Here are two testimonials from those who are helped by the ants nest in dealing with heart disease.Diah
Hypertension and Cardiac Function Disorders, Diah Tobing-Jonggol, Bogor. "I suffer from high blood pressure (hypertension) and thickened blood vessels so that interfere with heart function.
The doctor gave me a lot of different drugs but this reaction is less satisfactory, the price was expensive.
After trying to drink the Ants Nest for 1 month only, the body feels better, not easily tired, pain in the heart was reduced and my blood pressure began to stabilize. I have been eating ants nest for about 2 years and will continue to use it. "Nana
Blood Vessel Blockage in the Heart, Nana Ardian, Bogor. "I had a blockage of blood vessels in the heart and has been going on for approximately 5 months. Then I consulted a doctor at once underwent various therapies. Unfortunately, there has been no satisfactory change.
Shortly thereafter, I met with one consultant, a site offering herbal products that can address a variety of health problems. He advised me to try and eat one of the herbs 'Ants Nest' of Papua. I started to follow his advice.
God bless you! After I drink herbal ant nest during the first week alone, I can feel the results are satisfactory for my health condition, breath shortness feel relieved and no longer, the pain that follows is also missing. I continue to eat these products until now Ant's Nest. "
To read success stories of other ant nests users in overcoming disease berbabagai please visit the Testimonials page User's Nest Ant.
Why Ants Nest is helpful to address a variety of heart problems? There are many factors, the following are some of them.
One of the antioxidants contained in the Ants Nest, tocopherol, proven to help improve the system of the heart with the blood and prevent blood clots and lowering blood pressure is likely to cause heart attacks.
Flavonoids, antioxidant compounds in the nests of other ants, is also efficacious to prevent blood clots that can lead to blood circulation is not smooth is also likely to cause disturbances and heart disease.
Multi-minerals contained in the nest ants also play an important role in the treatment of heart disease directly, such as magnesium, is one of the most important nutrient for heart health. The main task is to help the heart muscle magnesium for relaxation. This function goes contrary to the calcium that makes the heart constrict. This synergistic combination of both compounds which can be found in ant nests are very useful for maintaining normal heart rhythm remains with the relaxation and contraction of heart muscle.
Magnesium is necessary for the appropriate calcium metabolism in the body. Magnesium prevents calcium is not absorbed by the body so as not to agglomerate, pile up, clog arteries and thereby increasing the risk of heart attack. Magnesium deficiency can cause metabolic changes that play a role in the occurrence of heart attacks.
In addition, magnesium plays an important role in the treatment of heart disease due to the effect that can dilate the coronary arteries, improving blood flow to the heart, raise levels of good cholesterol (HDL), regulate relaxation and contraction of heart muscle, and stabilize the heart rhythm.
Other minerals in the nests of ants, potassium is also known to regulate heart rhythm. 2 The cooperation of these compounds in the body helps to control heart rhythm.
Not only blood vessel health care, high antioxidant content (tocopherol and flavonoids) and multi-minerals contained in the Ants Nest is also very good to deal with various disorders and heart disease.


DISEASE asthma comes from the word "asthma" is derived from the Greek meaning "difficulty breathing". Asthma is known because of the symptoms of shortness of breath, coughing and mengiyang caused by constriction of the airways. Symptoms are usually caused by asthma, among others:

Breath sounds (wheezing, wheezing, asthma).
Shortness of breath, usually only happens when you're exercising.
Tightness in the chest.
Coughing only at night.
Anyone who is at risk for ASTHMA?
Children and adults can be affected by this disease. In general, asthma is a chronic childhood disease. American Lung Association reports that one in three people with asthma under 18 years old. Allergy is the trigger asthma symptoms, 80% of children and 50% of adults who had asthma also have allergies.
What factors can trigger ASTHMA?

Allergies such as dust mites, cockroaches and pollen.
The weather.
Vapors from various chemicals, tobacco or cooking with firewood.
Respiratory infections.
Emotions, such as laughing, crying and stress.
Does ASTHMA is a disease declining?
A study in the United States and Europe reported in the "American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine" that the existence of a strong relationship where a child who has one of the parents with asthma will be 3X fold risk of developing asthma, while children of both parents with asthma, the child at risk for asthma 6X folding.
Interesting fact about ASTHMA

In 2002, approximately 21.9 million Americans affected by asthma. More than 8 million children under the age of 18 years of developing asthma.
American cities that have the highest infection rates of asthma are California, New York and Texas.
Asthma included in the top 10 in the number of inpatients.
From 1980 through 1994, there is a 160% increase in asthma in infants.
Definition of Asthma

Is a reversible airway inflammation.
Swelling of the lining of the bronchial tubes in the lungs.
Excessive secretion of viscous liquid.
Inflammation is triggered by irritation or allergy. As a result, you will experience difficulty in breathing, shortness of breath, wheeze and cough. Sometimes these symptoms are so severe that it required treatment in the ER. In general, asthma begins in childhood, but not rare where after a new adult asthma. About 20 million Americans had asthma and more than 70% of people with asthma have allergies.
Asthma can be cured or a lifetime problem?
Until now has not found a cure for asthma in total. In most cases, a person with asthma severity will decrease as age goes. With the set up and maintain your condition, it would be very helpful in maintaining health and run a more comfortable life.
Ways to control ASTHMA

Know your asthma, including the type of light or heavy.
Recognize the originators, if for some emotion then control your emotions, if the influenza virus it is necessary to be vaccinated, then avoid the drug if the drug is, if the food then avoid these foods, if due to house dust then avoid house dust.
Identify drugs commonly used correctly. Use of drugs that doctors were told correctly, make sure the correct drug and correct dosage.
Control to the doctor not only when shortness of breath. Such as car service do not wait just broken into the garage, do check with your doctor regularly.
Prepare an emergency