This article will explain to you what it is about heart disease, risk factors, and why the Ant's Nest is the most recommended herb for the treatment of heart disease.
The heart is one of the most important organ whose main function to pump blood throughout the body. Like other organs, the heart can also be attacked by various diseases.
Heart disease is a condition that causes the heart is unable to perform its function properly. There are various kinds of disorders and diseases that can affect any part of the heart.
The most common heart disease is coronary heart disease which can lead to sudden death heart attacks.
The cause of coronary heart disease is the narrowing and blockage of arteries due to excessive buildup of fatty substances in the lining of artery walls of the coronary vessels. It is influenced by a less healthy diet that accompanied sedentary lifestyle, cigarette addiction, hypertension, and high cholesterol that affects the formation of blood clots. As a result of blood flow to the heart is hampered thereby disrupting the blood vessels of the heart as a pump which in turn will trigger a heart attack.
In addition to coronary heart disease, there are also other heart diseases caused by abnormalities at birth such as an imperfect heart, heart valve disorders, and weakening of heart muscle. Another cause is the bacteria that cause infections of the heart.Main Factors of Heart Disease Risk Exposure
To avoid the chance of heart disease, it helps us identify the risk factors. Here are some risk factors that warrant concern:
Age and Gender.
Priadi under the age of 50 years have a higher risk compared with women in the same age group. After menopause, a woman's risk increases due to the sharp decline of the hormone estrogen is protective.
Descendants of the family.
Research shows that if there is a history of heart problems in the family, their offspring are more likely to develop similar problems.
Diabetes (diabetes)
Diabetics can suffer heart disease as a complication of the disease.
Smoking (cigarette smoke)
Smoking is directly responsible for approximately 20 percent of all deaths from heart disease and almost 50 percent of heart attacks in women under the age of 55 years. Smoking increases blood pressure and include toxic chemicals, such as nicotine and carbon monoxide, into the bloodstream. These chemical substances, will further damage the arteries. The smokers also get them involved inhaling smoke are at risk of having problems at heart. Research reveals that people who do not smoke who live with smokers have an additional risk of heart attack. Therefore, by quitting smoking can reduce a person's own risk and can even save the lives of loved ones who do not smoke.
High blood pressure (hypertension).
High blood pressure (hypertension) can injure the arterial wall and allows the channel to enter the arteries of LDL cholesterol and increase the accumulation of plaque. As the plaque deposits increased, there are more barriers to the flow of blood and thus there was an increase in blood pressure which increases the risk of heart attack.
Overweight (obesity).
Excess weight increases high blood pressure and abnormal amounts of fat. Avoid or treat obesity (overweight) is the main way to avoid diabetes. Diabetes then will increase the risk of coronary heart disease.
Sedentary lifestyle.
People who do not move much at risk of heart attack is higher. They spend most of their day without physically active and exercising regularly. Heart attacks often occur in these people after heavy activities such as working hard in the garden, jogging, lifting heavy loads, or shoveling snow. But the risk is decreased among those who exercise regularly. The streets were relaxed for 20 to 30 minutes three or four times a week can reduce the risk of attack. With regular exercise can improve the ability of the heart to pump and can lower cholesterol levels and lowering blood pressure.
Stress (emotional distress)
Based on research, stress can cause this narrowing of the arteries and decrease blood flow to 27 percent. Refinements which means even be seen in arteries affected by mild disease. Other research suggests that severe stress can lead to rupture of an artery wall that trigger heart attacks.
Merely knowing the risk factors of the disease is not enough. Necessary measures to prevent the occurrence of this disease. In addition, it is important to know the symptoms of heart disease. Rapid and precise handling can reduce the harm they cause. Please visit our Heart Disease Symptoms to find some common signs and symptoms of heart disease.Herbal Treatment for Heart Disease
Generally, many people are affected by heart disease, coronary heart disease whether or not advised to undergo surgery for heart function could be restored as close to normal heart.
But actually there are other ways to cope with various heart problems, namely by combining medicine with herbs, especially for those who just had a heart attack. Medical drugs remained necessary because of the rapid reaction to help strengthen heart function.
While the herbal functions in addition to improving cardiac function and strength naturally, also helps cleanse the body from harmful content of medical drugs. If this treatment continues to be integrated, expected future heart disease patients could be separated from medical drug addiction that cost notoriously expensive.
While for the treatment of heart that is still lightweight, consume herbs alone is enough to help. Herbs are most often recommended at this time to address the problem of heart is rich in ant nest will contain antioxidants that can flex and healthy blood vessels in the body's circulatory system.
Here are two testimonials from those who are helped by the ants nest in dealing with heart disease.Diah
Hypertension and Cardiac Function Disorders, Diah Tobing-Jonggol, Bogor. "I suffer from high blood pressure (hypertension) and thickened blood vessels so that interfere with heart function.
The doctor gave me a lot of different drugs but this reaction is less satisfactory, the price was expensive.
After trying to drink the Ants Nest for 1 month only, the body feels better, not easily tired, pain in the heart was reduced and my blood pressure began to stabilize. I have been eating ants nest for about 2 years and will continue to use it. "Nana
Blood Vessel Blockage in the Heart, Nana Ardian, Bogor. "I had a blockage of blood vessels in the heart and has been going on for approximately 5 months. Then I consulted a doctor at once underwent various therapies. Unfortunately, there has been no satisfactory change.
Shortly thereafter, I met with one consultant, a site offering herbal products that can address a variety of health problems. He advised me to try and eat one of the herbs 'Ants Nest' of Papua. I started to follow his advice.
God bless you! After I drink herbal ant nest during the first week alone, I can feel the results are satisfactory for my health condition, breath shortness feel relieved and no longer, the pain that follows is also missing. I continue to eat these products until now Ant's Nest. "
To read success stories of other ant nests users in overcoming disease berbabagai please visit the Testimonials page User's Nest Ant.
Why Ants Nest is helpful to address a variety of heart problems? There are many factors, the following are some of them.
One of the antioxidants contained in the Ants Nest, tocopherol, proven to help improve the system of the heart with the blood and prevent blood clots and lowering blood pressure is likely to cause heart attacks.
Flavonoids, antioxidant compounds in the nests of other ants, is also efficacious to prevent blood clots that can lead to blood circulation is not smooth is also likely to cause disturbances and heart disease.
Multi-minerals contained in the nest ants also play an important role in the treatment of heart disease directly, such as magnesium, is one of the most important nutrient for heart health. The main task is to help the heart muscle magnesium for relaxation. This function goes contrary to the calcium that makes the heart constrict. This synergistic combination of both compounds which can be found in ant nests are very useful for maintaining normal heart rhythm remains with the relaxation and contraction of heart muscle.
Magnesium is necessary for the appropriate calcium metabolism in the body. Magnesium prevents calcium is not absorbed by the body so as not to agglomerate, pile up, clog arteries and thereby increasing the risk of heart attack. Magnesium deficiency can cause metabolic changes that play a role in the occurrence of heart attacks.
In addition, magnesium plays an important role in the treatment of heart disease due to the effect that can dilate the coronary arteries, improving blood flow to the heart, raise levels of good cholesterol (HDL), regulate relaxation and contraction of heart muscle, and stabilize the heart rhythm.
Other minerals in the nests of ants, potassium is also known to regulate heart rhythm. 2 The cooperation of these compounds in the body helps to control heart rhythm.
Not only blood vessel health care, high antioxidant content (tocopherol and flavonoids) and multi-minerals contained in the Ants Nest is also very good to deal with various disorders and heart disease.
Heart Disease
ΞThursday, 15 December 2011|→
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