Introduction"Durability Less Disease Syndrome" or AIDS is a disease caused by a virus that was identified as HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) that causes the body's immune system failure or the permissibility semulajadi body to fight disease.
LightingAIDS crippling the body's ability to resist disease (immune system). This kerana HIV germs have been destroyed CD4 + T cells responsible for fighting diseases caused by bacteria germs, virus and others. AIDS is not a disease itself. With the failure of the immune system, AIDS pesakit more easily exposed to:
various germs, termasuklah that does not harm normal humanseveral types of kanser who rarely apply
The principle of scientificHIV attacks and slowly destroy sesetengah white blood cells in the body (CD4 + T cells). Under normal circumstances, these cells help the body fight germs and disease outbreaks caused by viruses and bacteria. If HIV has attacked a person's body, these cells are no longer able to carry out their responsibilities kerana been slowly destroyed by HIV. It intends bahawa HIV will also destroy the body keupayaan body to fight disease.
Actually, AIDS is an advanced ranking for HIV outbreaks. The development of this disease through several phases:
Phase 1 - starts with a person's HIV-infected individuals
Phase 2 - in which the virus does not multiply but still mempamerkan pesakit any signs or symptoms of certain
Phase 3 - multiply and thrive brings to kewujudan some signs and symptoms again demonizing the body's defense mechanism.
Phase 4 - pesakit first experienced a rare disease that was held valid 'opportunistic infections' such as Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia and Kaposi's sarcoma kanser included.
Phase 5 - pesakit is passed as pesakit AIDS. Within this phase, the defense mechanism of obliteration suffered extreme and was no longer able to resist the attack of bacteria, viruses and other germs.
CauseHIV is the cause of AIDS. HIV can not live outside the human body and should only be removed if bendalir entity rather than an individual who has been plagued by entering into a body of individuals who have not been plagued with.
Through the removal of any infectious HIV bendalir of their bodies that have plagued others. This virus may be found in the bendalir-bendalir body such as:
BloodCecair seminal / semen (and also water Mazi)Seepage FarajMilk loss
PerebakanAIDS spread mainly through blood, semen (sperm) and seepage Faraj those who have been afflicted by the AIDS virus. AIDS may also spread from mothers to infants that have plagued it contains.
Based on the above facts, aktiviti-aktiviti that may cause you exposed to the outbreak of AIDS is as follows:
1. Have sex with berbilang pair of two-two jantina2. Having sex with prostitutes3. Teamed up needle and picagari among collectors dadah
Transmission / AIDS virus outbreakManifestation of HIV virus in the human body bendalir which has plagued such as in the seminal cecair, Faraj and blood seepage. This virus may spread from individuals who have been afflicted to others through the following matters:
Having sex without protection (eg: use a condom) together individuals who have been plagued
Exchange of blood or blood products from individuals who have been plagued into the circulatory system of another person.
Instead of mother to fetus dijangkit
Instead of an organ, tissue or semen that has plagued them (such as through the removal of organs)
AIDS should not be spread through touch or ordinary contexts such as:Holding handsTouch-a touch on the congested areaShake handsWorking togetherPlayLight kiss
You should not be plagued with AIDS by:teamed up food, use the convenience of laymen such as swimming baths or demolished, or through mosquito bites
donate blood kerana equipment used to collect blood is sterile and used only once our other features. Those with no risk of AIDS are encouraged to donate blood.
kerana blood removal process in the present, all blood donated in Malaysia have been screened for the impressive presence of AIDS antibodies. AIDS Antibodies are substances produced by their bodies as a follow-plagued back against the outbreak of the AIDS virus.
using a dish, blades and glass used by pesakit kerana AIDS AIDS virus should not live long outside the human body.Such equipment when washed as usual will kill the AIDS virus.
Risk FactorsIf you practice the following matters, you are a group at high risk for getting HIV / AIDS
Have sex with berbilang pair of two-two jantina
Having sex with prostitutes
Teamed needles among collectors dadah
The incidenceAIDS was first reported in the United Syarikat in 1981. Since then he has become an important issue kesihatan worldwide. In Malaysia, new KES 300 new HIV dikesan every month. A number of KES 448 KES 16.349 AIDS and HIV reported that June 30, 1996. Majoriti plagued them in Malaysia (ie approximately 84%) were within the age between 20-39 years, when approximately 4% more and are aged between 13 to 19 years.
The signs and symptomsPesakit AIDS will experience symptoms such as below:
Decrease in body weight so that 10% of the unknown puncanya
Sediment-ass and a chronic cough and berterusan
Fever in the long run. Fever is valid samada periodically or berterusan
Swollen lymph nodes especially in the neck, armpits and kelengkang.
Outbreaks of herpes zoster repetitive. Shingles is a nerve infection by viruses characterized by the presence of blisters on the skin
Candidiasis in the mouth and pharynx. Candidiasis is a kind of disease caused by a type of mushroom (fungus).
Herpes simplex infection recurring. Herpes simplex is a viral outbreak on the skin are seen as blisters around the mouth and genitals.
ComplicationBy kerana pesakit AIDS have experienced paralysis of the immune system function, they more easily fall ill compared with those who have a follow-immune adviser replied. The complications that may apply are:
Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (a type of inflammatory disease of the lungs), which may be fatal. These diseases destroy the lungs pesakit AIDS
Cytomegalovirus retinitis is an AIDS-related eye diseases are serious and may cause blindness.
Kaposi's sarcoma is an AIDS-related kanser that causes smallpox / tumors on the skin. He is pink or purple.
Waiting Syndrome AIDS involves ketara weight loss, chronic diarrhea-ass or weakness and fever for a long time or periodically over at least 30 days
ΞThursday, 15 December 2011|→
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