Traditional Medicine Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetes mellitus is now almost reaching the whole world, not only developed countries are stricken with this disease, but also developing countries now seem to have started having probilitas this disease. According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), Indonesia ranks sixth as a country with the largest number of diabetes sufferers after India, China, Soviyet Union, Japan and Brazil. Recorded in 1995, the number of people with DM in Indonesia reached 5 million. In 2000 the last course, there are about 5.6 million people in Indonesia who have diabetes mellitus. However, in 2006 estimated the number of diabetics in Indonesia increased sharply to 14 million people, of which only 50% are aware they have it and among only about 30% who came for a treatment regularly, whether it is coming to the hospital or with the help of traditional medicine diabetes mellitus.
It is unfortunate that many diabetics are unaware he suffered from a disease that more commonly called sugar disease or diabetes is. This may be due to the lack of information in the community about diabetes, especially the symptoms happen to him. Well, you had also learned some things about traditional medicine for diabetes mellitus increased the number of sufferers do not always sharp.
Pare crops is one alternative to the traditional medicine of diabetes mellitus that can be used for healing, because these plants contain saponins, flavonoids, and polyphenols (powerful antioxidants), as well as cucurbitacin glycosides, momordicin, and charantin that can lower blood sugar. Pare the effect in lowering blood sugar in experimental animals. Works by preventing the intestines absorb sugar are eaten by animals. Also alleged to have components that resemble pare sulfonylurea (antidiabetic drugs oldest and widely used). This type of drug stimulates the beta cells of the pancreas glands of the body to produce more insulin, the sugar reserves in addition to increasing deposits of glycogen in the liver. Pare the effect in lowering blood sugar in rabbits is also estimated similar to the mechanism of insulin. Addition of insulin-containing saponins (triterpene) are working with activities similar to insulin, so glucose can enter the blood into the cells.
How to Use Pare
The first way: Take 2 pieces of melon, wash and mash then add half a glass of clean water. Stir and squeeze. Day as much as a potion to drink. Repeated for 2 weeks.
* The second way: For the use of bitter melon seeds, in particular by providing 200 grams of seeds of bitter melon, bitter melon seeds and toasted until dry and finely ground. After the cold stored in jars. How to use 10 grams of powdered beans brewed pare with boiled water to drink 3 times a day.
Pharmacological effects of this plant and its taste is bitter cold, pare efficacious as anti-inflammatory, lowers blood glucose levels, to treat coughs, sore red eyes, sore throat, rheumatism and dysentery sprue. The way to overcome the use of bitter melon diabetes mellitus, in particular by Take 2 pieces of melon, wash and mash then add half a glass of clean water. Stir and squeeze. Day as much as a potion to drink. Repeated for 2 weeks. Pare for the use of seeds, that is by providing 200 grams of melon seeds, melon seeds and toasted until dry and finely ground. After the cold stored in jars. How to use 10 grams of powdered beans brewed pare with boiled water to drink 3 times a day.
Diabetes Mellitus is a disease caused by declining hormone produced by the pancreas gland. The decrease of these hormones resulted in the sugar (glucose) consumed the body can not produce perfectly, so that glucose levels in the body will increase. Do not let this continue to erode your body, and do immediately treat with traditional drug therapy of diabetes mellitus in this pare.
Traditional Medicine Diabetes Mellitus
ΞThursday, 15 December 2011|→
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