In using medicinal plants, there are several things to note that the maxima of treatment outcome. Read carefully all the instructions about medication timbuhan below.
Some things to be explained about the name of the medicinal plants used in this book.
Name on title; using the most common name used in the existing literature.
The scientific name; use the name most commonly used.
To get the best ingredients from medicinal plants, keep in mind the times of collecting or harvesting nutritious ingredients.
Here are guidelines for the collection of materials in general medicine.
Leaves collected during flowering and before fruit becomes ripe.
Flowers were collected before or immediately after bloom.
Fruit picked in a ripe state.
Seeds were collected from yan g ripe fruit perfectly.
Roots, rhizomes (rhizome), tubers (tuber), and bulbs (bulbus) was collected during the process of plant stops.
Ingredients that have been collected immediately washed, preferably with running water. Once clean, can be utilized when needed use the freshest ingredients. However, it can also be dried to be stored and used when needed at any time.
Drying aims to reduce water content and mengcegah decay by fungi or bacteria. Thus, the material can be kept much longer in a jar or a sealed container. Dry material is also easily crushed if you want to create powder.
Here's how to dry ingredients:
Materials are large and contain lots of water can be cut into pieces as needed in advance.
Drying can be directly under the sun, or wear protective gear such as fine wire if that does not require drying too quickly.
Drying can also be done with air the material in the shade or in a drying chamber that good air flow.
In Traditional Chinese Pharmacology known 4 and 5 different kinds of properties Cira taste medicinal plants, which is part of the way of traditional eastern medicine. As for the four kinds of medicinal properties of plants that are cold, hot, warm, and cool. Medicinal plants that are used to heat and warm the cold syndrome treatments, such as patients who are afraid of cold, cold hands and feet, pale tongue or slow pulse. Medicinal plants that are cold and are used to cool the heat treatment of the syndrome, such as fever, thirst, dark yellow color urination, red tongue or rapid pulse.
Five kinds of medicinal herbs taste is spicy, sweet, sour, bitter, and salty. The flavor is used for a particular purpose because in addition associated with an organ, also has its own properties and usability. Eg spicy flavor has spread and stimulating properties. Sweet taste and nutritious tonic remedy. Preserves and sour taste pengelat efficacious. Bitter taste can mengilangkan hot and humid. While the taste of salt to soften and as a laxative. Sometimes there is also the added flavor of the sixth, which is neutral or nutritious as fresh urine laxative.
Boiling is generally carried out in soil pots, ceramic pots, or a panic email. Ceramic pots can be purchased in traditional Chinese medicine stores. Panic of iron, aluminum or brass should not be used for boiling. It is reminded that these materials can cause sediments, low concentrations of drug solution, the formation of toxic or side effects due to chemical reaction with the ingredients.
Use clean water to boil. Fresh water should be used, unless otherwise specified. How to boil the ingredients as follows. Materials incorporated into the potting soil. Add water until the material completely submerged and the water level about 30 mm above it. Boiling begins when the water had seeped into the medicinal ingredients.
Do boiling with fire according to manufacture instructions. If the flame is not specified, it is usually done by boiling over high heat until the water is boiling. Furthermore, the fire reduced the cooking water to prevent overflow or dry up too quickly. However, sometimes a big fire and a small flame is used alone when boiling danger of drugs. For example, drugs are efficacious tonic generally boiled over a low heat so efficacious substance can be completely removed in the cooking water. Similarly, medicinal plants that contain toxins that need to be boiled with a small fire in a long time, about 3-5 hours to reduce toxicity. Flame is mostly used for medicinal herbs which are intended to be a fast boiling and evaporation of excess of substances that are active components of plants can be prevented.
If there is no user, usually taken before meals drug unless the drug stimulates stomach so drunk after a meal. Efficacious drug when taken on an empty stomach tonic, sedative and efficacious drugs drunk while wanting to sleep. In chronic diseases taken as scheduled on a regular basis. Medicinal decoction can be drunk as often as is necessary, or drunk as a tea substitute.
Medication is usually taken one dose a day is divided to 2-3 times the drink. Generally drunk while warm, especially for the treatment of syndrome outside. After taking medication, wear thick clothes or a blanket to sleep so the body remains warm and sweat easily.
For heat syndrome treatment, medication taken in the cold. In contrast to the treatment of cold syndrome drug drunk warm. Less toxic drugs, drink little by little but often. Add the dose gradually so that the treatment effect is achieved.
Herbs which still form simplicia, the treatment seems slow, but its nature constructive or building. This is in contrast with the results of chemical drug treatment looks quick but destructive. Therefore, drugs derived from plants is not recommended its use for acute infectious diseases. Medicinal plants are preferred to maintain the health and treatment of chronic diseases that can not be cured with chemical drugs, or require a combination of chemical drugs with efficacious drugs from plants.
ΞThursday, 15 December 2011|→
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